About Fiill

At: 2021-08-15 12:00 | by: @Fiill

Fiill is a small team of Agile and leadership experts and software engineers who are passionate about all the benefits that come from having a good team culture and how we can achieve that.

We aim to help small and large organizations find a way of working that will help them achieve their mission, in the most efficient and enjoyable way.

We use state-of-the-art Machine learning algorithms to analyze your team's communication and detect the pattern that might foster or harm psychological safety.

We focus on this aspect of the culture because after working for years for other companies and on our own venture we found that psychological safety is the most important part of the team culture.

In an economy where the intellectual input of an employee can mean the difference between the success or failure of major intuition, the way we work should be voided of any behavior that can trigger the silence of the people doing the work.

Build on the work of organizational psychologists like Professors Amy Edmondson and Jeffrey Polzer and the real-world experience ran by some of the world's most innovative companies like google amazon... Fiill developed a novel approach to creating psychological safety based on detecting the kind of behavior that can be problematic with time and working with the leader and the teams to avoid it and detecting the behavior that will lead the team in the right way and helping the team to embrace it.

To do that in a reliable, fast, and consistent way we turned to artificial intelligence (AI). Our platform is powered by a set of machine learning models that uses advance in areas like natural language detecting and sentiment analysis to give the leaders and teams insight and recommendations on what is the status of team culture and how they can take write way.

Our algorithm uses technology that has been tested in real-world conditions and achieved a high level of accuracy. And our team of engineers and management experts is continually monitoring the result and making adjustments when needed.

Integrating Fiill to you communication pipeline will make easy and seamless to notice some small pattern that can harm your team culture and allow fix them quickly and easily


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