Build High performing teams

High-performing teams have one thing in common. Their members share a feeling that one can speak their mind without fear. They know they can:


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Conversation context awareness

Our algorithm builds on advances in machine learning to analyze the speech in teams' meetings, our model can model your team’s "understand

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Create a culture of continuous learning

A culture of continuous learning is a core tenet of any high-performing team or organization.

The common denominator between companies of al

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Natural language processing

Our algorithm builds on advances in machine learning to analyze the speech in teams' meetings, our model can model your team’s "understand

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Nonverbal communication classification

Using your meetings recordings our algorithm is capable of analyzing your team gestures, facial expression, tone of voice, and other nonverbal comm

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Promote diversity and belonging

Being able to speak up safely, is crucial for the development of a sentiment of belonging.

In an economy where more than half of the workfor

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What is psychological safety

Psychological safety defines an environment at work where people can take risks and speak their minds.

The term was quoted by Amy Edmondson

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Sentiments' analysis

A deeper understanding of any communication often goes through the understanding of what this word says about the state of mind of the person who s

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