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Use your team data

Import your communication data by uploading a video recording of a team meeting or email/I.M. thread, or integrate Fiill directly into your communication tools.


Get Insight and recommendations

Use our A.I. to analyze your employees' communications and find out what you can improve to faster a culture of psychological safety.


Take actions and follow-up

Work with your teams to put the recommendations to practice and continue following your progress using Fiill

build High performing teams that innovate

Build High performing teams

High-performing teams have one thing in common. Their members share a feeling that one can speak their mind without fear. They know they can: - Ask ...

Learn how

Create a culture of continuous learning

A culture of continuous learning is a core tenet of any high-performing team or organization. The common denominator between companies of all sizes, ...

Learn how
build High performing teams that innovate
build High performing teams that innovate

Promote diversity and belonging

Being able to speak up safely, is crucial for the development of a sentiment of belonging. In an economy where more than half of the workforce is ei...

Learn how

About Fiill

Fiill is a small team of Agile and leadership experts and software engineers who are passionate about all the benefits that come from having a good team culture and how we can achieve that.

We aim to help small and large organizations find a way of working that will help them achieve their mission, in the most efficient and enjoyable way.

We use state-of-the-art Machine learning algorithms to analyze your team's communication and detect the pattern that might foster or harm psychological safety.

We focus on this aspect of the culture because after working for years for other companies and on our own venture we found that psychological safety is the most important part of the team culture.

  • Natural language processing Natural language processing
  • Sentiments' analysis Sentiments' analysis
  • Nonverbal communication classification Nonverbal communication classification
  • Conversation context awareness Conversation context awareness
Natural language processing

Our algorithm builds on advances in machine learning to analyze the speech in teams' meetings, our model can model your team’s "understanding" of the content of these...

Natural language processing
Sentiments analysis

A deeper understanding of any communication often goes through the understanding of what this word says about the state of mind of the person who said them and what...

Sentiments' analysis +
Nonverbal communication classification

Using your meetings recordings our algorithm is capable of analyzing your team gestures, facial expression, tone of voice, and other nonverbal communication aspects of...

Nonverbal communication classification
Conversation context awareness

A good understanding of your employees' communication cannot be achieved without being aware of the context of the conversation. Our algorithm uses the learning it acquires...

Conversation context awareness

give Fiill a try

Start using Fiill today and you will see how much our platform can help you foster psychological safety in your team

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Case studies on psychological safety

The Secret Ingredient to Ultra Successful Teams

The highest-performing teams have one thing in common: psychological safety...

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psychological safety in healthcare teams

Psychological safety allows healthcare professionals to take the interpersonal...

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Lack of psychological safety at Boeing

A succinct breakdown of the psychological safety failures at Boeing that lead to tragic crashes of the 737 Max.

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For startups and other small teams with less than 10 meetings per week

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For large teams with illumined meetings and users

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